Lo que sí voy y tengo que traducir es sobre lo que dije del AZÚCAR. Es muy malo estar dentro del límite alto de glucosa. Soy muy dulce!
Felizmente ya he comenzado una dieta cero azúcar, sólo edulcorante, he aumentado mi porción de ensalada y estoy comiendo frutas. Tengo un control dentro de un mes y ya he bajado unos kilitos.
Yahora la traducción al inglés.
Okay, so now comes the English part of the story. In the French post I talked about how nice and sunny was sunday, perfect for laundry because clothes dry faster and you avoid the use of the drying machine. Hey, we must think about our planet and the carbon print we're leaving. I try not using the drying machine but our climate is sooooooooooooooo humid clothes take days to get dry.....
And now, about the SUGAR part. My glucose is high, between the limits but high. I'm taking my meds, doing diet, eating more veggetables and fruit and all the products marked "light". I eliminated butter, sugar, white bread and its relatives . I have lost a few pounds and the only thing I must do now is walk.
It was sunny today too, even hot! Spring is close, and that's all I guess. Sunlight makes me want to make jewelry, so let's see what I come up to!