The classes end on september and by then, we will have to make a jewelry collection with at least eighteen pieces, in paper of course!
For the first time in my life I am going to do a proper jewelry collection.
I like this classes, the teacher is very young but passionate about what she teaches. I had to stay at home on Tuesday because of a dog emergency and I was feeling uncomfortable with missing a class, just the class I didn't want to miss!
Anyway, the dog is fine and for the first time in my life I am happy to do my homework with a week of anticipation.
The homework for this week (last Thursday) was creating a piece following a subject we did in class. I chosed Art Deco. Personally, I love Art Nouveau but I wanted to do something different, something geometric. And also I did a piece I have never thought of doing: a brooch.
The teacher has the homeworks so I can't show you what I did, which was a combination of Art Deco fabric designs but à la Vivi style. I added a barroque pearl to put a little of my liking of the Art Nouveau, but it looks eclectic as the teacher said. Otherwise, my homework was fine.
Oh, I forgot to mention I was the second in explaining my piece to the class. Usually I am very shy, extremely shy, when I was at school I would hide or get sick before standing up in front of the class; I don't have that problem anymore.