Hello everyone!
I was in Cajamarca from the 8th to the 13th of November in a "encuentro de plateros", Something like a silversmiths congress.
This was my third time in that city. I t was a good experience but I got sick the second day of workshops, so I missed the classes I wanted to go.
I had the chance to go to the Yanacocha mine, it's an open mine at 4120m high and it was a rainy day, but we spend more time in the bus that visiting the mine. I can't believe it's huge! And now the local people are protesting against mining because they say they contaminate the water. From what they told us, they were doing responsable mining, checking the pH of water for agriculture use.
In my first day I winess a pacific manifestation in the Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca. Now the things got worse.
I had a great time with my fellow jewelry friends. It was nice to meet people I saw two years ago....
The trip and the support of my friends made me feel better and my time of mourning is over now. Now I want to keep what I do best and what I love: working with silver. My muse is back and it feels darn good!